RTI Framework

The RTI2 framework is a three-tier model that provides an ongoing process of instruction and interventions that allow students to make progress at all levels, particularly those students who are struggling.  RTI2 is a process focused on prevention and early intervention that uses multiple sources of data for instruction, differentiation, intervention, and transitions between tiers.  Ongoing assessment is a major component of the RTI2 framework.  Data from ongoing assessment, including the universal screening process, informs data-based decision making. 

At HMS, we have implemented a universal screening process that occurs three times a year that helps us to identify individual student strengths as well as areas of need.  This screening process also provides us with information for making informed decisions about specific skill interventions, remediation, and enrichment for each child.

Those students identified through the screening process and who require additional assistance beyond the usual time allotted for the core instruction (Tier I) receive additional skill-based group intervention daily in the specific area of need.  Tier II intervention is explicit, systematic, and matched to students' needs.  The effectiveness of the intervention is progress monitored every other week to ensure that it is helping the student reach a goal.

Students who have not made adequate progress with Tier II interventions or who score well below their peers on the universal screening will receive more intense intervention in Tier III.  Tier III interventions are also systematic, research-based interventions that target the student's identified area of deficit such as basic reading skills, reading fluency, reading comprehension, mathematics calculation, mathematics problem solving, or written expression.  Interventions will be developed based on the unique needs of students.  The effectiveness of these interventions is also monitored every other week to measure progress toward a goal.

Teachers at HMS meet every 4 to 5 weeks to look at the data from the testing that's being done every other week.  We use the data to make our decisions and will notify parents after every meeting with the results.


Ways to assist your students with improving their skill deficits:

  • Listen to your child read.  Students at HMS are not too old to read out loud at home.
  • Make sure your child knows basic math calculations, which includes addition and subtraction with regrouping, memorization of multiplication facts, and division.
  • Encourage your child to check out books from the library.  Talk to them about what they've read.
  • Look at graded papers that students have gotten back from their core teachers.  Look at the mistakes made and see if there are any patterns of errors.  A particular skill they need extra practice on could be the cause of the errors.
  • Read what your children have written.  Most classes are incorporating writing into the curriculum.  Look at these papers when they are returned, and see if you can identify any skill deficits that might be present.


Anissa Swenson

HMS RTI Coordinator

Phone: (731) 986-4544



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